Chapter Nominations

The highlight of National Philanthropy Day (NPD) is the annual PHILANTHROPY AWARDS program to recognize outstanding achievement by individuals, foundations and corporate philanthropists. This year, the awards will be presented during a luncheon program on Thursday, November 14 at Sinclair Community College.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Greater Dayton Region Chapter, is now accepting nominations for the: 2024 PHILANTHROPY AWARDS

•Please use the nomination form to submit entries– one form per nomination.

Narratives will be submitted through online form. Address each criterion and explain each one separately in narrative form. Entries will be judged on the responses to the criteria. Narratives should contain complete, clear, and concise answers to criteria.

• One letter of support for nominee is required this year for submission.

•Deceased individuals must have been living on or before September 15, 2023, to be eligible for nomination for the 2024 Philanthropy awards.

•Individuals and organizations selected will receive their honors at the NPD celebration and must be present to receive the awards.

•Information provided may be used for publicity purposes.

•Nominees from past years who do not receive the award may be re-submitted for consideration, but must also include a letter of support for re-submission.